Technically speaking, a kick scooter refers to a human-powered street vehicle that comes equipped with a handlebar, deck, and wheels that are all propelled by a rider pushing off the ground. Ninebot’s Segway KickScooter T60 wants to take them to the next level, with the stand out feature being the ability to drive itself back to a charging station autonomously.
Featuring a reverse trike chassis, the T60 can autonomously drive itself, thanks to vision-based navigation technology. It boasts two piloting modes: guided for shorter distances and autonomous for longer journeys. Other features include: automatic dispatch, cloud service, and even wireless charging.

Users can also remotely control the T60 via the cloud, which means you can manually dispatch them to your location or just at different time periods and areas to help shared business operators improve turnaround times. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until 2020 to get your hands on one of these $1,420 self-driving scooters, as road tests begin next month.