


Astronaut Isolation Coronavirus
Photo credit: Michaela Musilova
Self-isolation, along with social distancing, are helping stop the spread of the coronavirus, and who better to ask for tips than astronauts? In addition to having experience living in cramped spaces with limited resources, they mostly spend time alone. Astrobiologist and astronaut trainer Michaela Musilova, director of HI-SEAS (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation), offers some helpful tips.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey $1-Billion Coronavirus
Photo credit: TED
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced today that he will commit $1-billion of his own personal stock in Square, which represents 28% of his net worth, to fund global coronavirus relief efforts. For those interested, he’s also created a public tracking sheet to encourage transparency that will track exactly when the stock transfers / sales and the grants by Start Small LLC, are made. The first grantee to will be America’s Food Fund, which aims to provide funding relief to organizations working to feed the country’s most vulnerable populations impacted by COVID-19.