We have seen the future of gaming, and it’s Alienware’s Concept Nyx. Put simply, the system allows for high performance game processing to be done in the home and shared across the local network, which means up to four streams simultaneously.
How so? Since the processing happens locally, instead of requiring one to travel to and from distant servers, Concept Nyx could provide lower latency, greater bandwidth and more responsiveness, thus eliminating the performance shortfalls cloud gaming. In other words, multiplayer latency could reach single-digit milliseconds to dramatically decrease any lag of modern-day cloud gaming systems. A basic app loaded on each device allows for instant access to all of your games for a more seamless gaming experience across multiple devices in the home.

As we further develop Concept Nyx, we aim to use each step forward to benefit future products and enhance the user experience. We hope you’re as jazzed as we are to embark on this journey, and we look forward to keeping you in the loop,” said the company.